New releases
leading Agile Teams
Leading Agile Teams is a practical and engaging guide to help your organization embrace a more agile mindset.
Most organizations work in large groups when trying to find solutions for big problems. Agile teams are different. They get more done by having a small self-organized team focus on the highest priority items. Each big problem is broken down and solved by a small, stable group of dedicated professionals. |
Visual Matters!
Visuals are everywhere today—in offices and factories, in documents and online. They represent a powerful way to communicate and explain products, processes, and other key aspects of business. Done well, visuals can even have a profound influence on people’s decisions—such as whether or not to buy a particular product. In Visuals Matter!, the result of a two-year research project funded by the Project Management Institute and University College London, authors Joana Geraldi and Mario Arlt explore the impact of visuals on cognition and communication in project portfolio decisions. Their goal is to increase project practitioners’ and scholars’ awareness about how important visuals can be and to provide guidance on how visuals can be used and designed to enhance business.